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This endpoint returns HS classification and PGA requirements for searched product or HS Code.

Required Parameters

  • q <string> (search query)
  • country <enum> canada | usa

Optional Parameters

  • includeParents <boolean> true | false

Example Usage

The Dutyskip Node.js library must be installed and initialized with an API Key. (See Installation and Authentication for more info.)

GET /search
await{ q: 'chapstick', country: 'canada' })

Sample Response

"numResults": 1,
"items": [
"code": "3304.99.90.90",
"description": "Other",
"subheading": "3304.99",
"duty": "6.5",
"pga": [
"agency": "HC"
"program": "Consumer Product Safety",
"agency": "HC",
"program": "Human Drugs",
"agency": "HC",
"program": "Consumer Product Safety",
"descriptionPath": "Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or sun tan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations. > Other: > Other > Other > Other"

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